CSA 2015 Week 4


Summer arrives!

We are happy to say that the summer heat coupled with a brief but amazing stormy rain has given the veggies a boost and made the harvest today beautiful. The fields are looking awesome. We are getting impatient for our summer bounty and looking forward to providing you with tomatoes, carrots, watermelons, eggplants and peppers (the list goes on) in the weeks to come, but for now we are learning to appreciate all the green beauty the fields still have to offer.

We are still finding new and tasty ways to use the abundance of greens in the field. We hope you are too! The beets this week are nice and tiny, picked mostly for their nutritious greens. We always advocate steaming or frying the greens (you can keep the mini beets on!) and adding a healthy dose of butter, salt and pepper to make a delicious side dish.

Isaac and Rachelle are our cleaners and packers extraordinaire. As the produce rolls in from the field they waste no time making sure that everything is cooled, washed and packed quickly and efficiently. By the time we come in for a break, they’re usually caught up and ready for the next round of vegetables.

As you can see, we have a lot of bins that we need every week to pack CSAs and market produce into. There are still a few members taking our bins home, so please (!) bring them back to us and take your veggies away in your own bag or box. 
Barb and Nathaniel have been a great asset to the farm, making sure the weeding is getting done. Even though it’s hard to stay fully caught up, weeding is top priority and they’re always willing to grab a hoe and get going.
It might be summer, but we’ve already started thinking about winter. John and Isaac baled and hauled in about 3 stacked trailers of hay on Monday. They were thrown up into the huge loft in the barn and stacked neatly, ready for the livestock for winter.

Versatile Pizza ideas!

  • Use your favourite pizza dough recipe. I love my book Flour, Water, Salt, Yeast by Ken Forkish for all things gluten
  • The base: Ricotta or any other soft cheese, blended with garlic or scapes, salt, pepper and a bit of olive oil.
  • Top with any veggies you have on hand. On this one I had some mini steamed beets, kale and capers and I topped it with some local sheep cheese from Canreg Station Farm (http://www.pasturedairy.com). Sometimes simple is best! 

What’s in your share:

Curly Kale (s,m,l)
Salanova lettuce (s,m,l)
Zucchini (s,m,l)
Peas (s,m,l)
Beet greens (s,m,l)
Cone cabbage (s,m,l)
Onions (s,m,l)
Cilantro (m,l)
Romaine (m,l)
Dino kale (l)
Fennel (l)
Patty pans (l)