Waratah Downs Organic Farm CSA Week #2, July 5

Good Day Waratah CSA Members!

The shares for this week have left the farm and are on their way to the pick-up points. This week we are beginning to get into the groove and share day is running smoothly. We are still finishing our trellising of tomatoes and transplanting fall crops. Weeding is an ongoing tasks and it is always a challenge to find the best hoe or cultivating implements to get the job done, and follows is the inevitable hand weeding at some point. It is wonderful to see our efforts thus far beginning to take shape!

The hens have come home to roost this week! We have just filled the chicken tractor/coop with  variety of organic laying hens, and they are beginning to produce a good amount of eggs. It sometimes takes a few days for the ladies to settle in to their new surroundings and consistent egg supply should follow. John acquired these birds from Roots and Shoots Farm near Wakefield, Quebec, which is co-owned and operated by John’s daughter Jess, and her partner Robin. We are excited to hear the clucking and see the variety of birds we have here on the farm now.

Curcurbits are starting to come in now, and we hope to be harvesting some zucchini’s, patty pans and cucumbers in coming weeks. Carrots aren’t far behind either, and we are quite excited to start digging in to our first sweet carrot crop of the season.

The bug pressure has been quite instense this summer so far, as has the extreme rainfall. We are managing to still pull through with some tasty vegetables and just keep planting and maintainting as best we can.
We are happy to have the sun shining, and hoping the fairer weather will help along our crops for even more abundance in weeks to come.

The small shares this week consist of the following:

Bunching onions
Head lettuce
Garlic scapes

Our medium shares also contain:

German Salad radish(long, carrot shaped radish)
Mixed bagged lettuce
Rainbow Chard

Here are a few links to recipes to inspire some kitchen concoctions!

http://jeanetteshealthyliving.com/garlic-scape-cilantro-swiss-chard-pesto/ -this recipe looks awesome, and kale could easily be substitued for the rainbow chard.

https://www.organicfacts.net/health-benefits/vegetable/beets.html – not a recipe, but some fun facts on beets!

http://www.bonappetit.com/recipes/slideshow/roast-em-fry-em-grate-em-38-ways-cook-eat-beets – Can’t beet this list for some fun and creative ways to use beets 😉

We look forward to hearing back from some of you about how you are using your vegetables from the CSA shares. If you have a favourtie recipe or way to prepare your vegetables, please send it along, and if you don’t mind we can share some of them with the rest of the members. As always, do not hesitate to contact us with any questions, concerns or comments. Thanks and enjoy our nutritious, delicious offerings this week!

-The whole team at Waratah Downs Organic Farm