CSA 2013 Week 14

Dear All,
Look up! Tonight is the harvest moon, out in full splendour, and it’s working it’s magic! The harvest this week is bringing you some of the best of fall’s fares, and a very special treat – read on!

Small box: Cabbage, Russian Kale, Basil, Carrot, 2x Garlic, Dumpling Squash, Yellow Onion, Corn (yes! There’s corn! The corn suffered terribly this year, so it looks like the only corn from the farm this year is coming to you!), acorn squash and a pepper.
Mediums, add curly kale, potatoes, and  extras of some of the the items above.
Large, you get even more extras, and  a celeriac, too.
There is a myriad of things you can do with squash. Roast it (sprinkle some smoked paprika on it first to give it a nice flavour), you can stuff it (the internet will tell you a million ways, but any “stuffing” (for stuffed peppers, etc.) will do the trick, you can put it in risotto (which is a really easy dish, don’t be fooled!). But with cool days ahead, you can also turn it into soup, one of life’s greatest comfort foods. Here is a 4-fork rated recipe from epicurious, which allows you to thrown in some of the onions and garlic, too. I’d just use some dumpling in place of butternut.http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/Winter-Squash-Soup-with-Gruyere-Croutons-2997

For those of you not up to having soup *just* yet, here’s a recipe for Farro, Acorn Squash and Kale. Farro is often interchangable with wheat berries, or other whole grain ‘berries’ (there are spelt berries, rye berries, etc. too).http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/Farro-with-Acorn-Squash-and-Kale-367135

And don’t miss the garlic and basil. For those of you who like lots of pesto in the freezer, or who didn’t make pesto the last time, here’s some more. But you can also cut the tip of the stem and put it in a glass jar (I use a honey jar, but a mason jar works too) and put it in the sun. Change the water often, and maybe give those tips another slice early on (eventually, you might see roots start to sprout). It can last for weeks!It was so great to get feedback from some of you on the beer battered eggplant – and all positive! How great! Now we’re curious if any of you tried the Indian spaghetti squash. Was it any good?!

And one important note: the last CSA pickup will be October 17th. (Awwww!!!) We’ll remind you as we go along, but just to have it in mind moving forward.

Have a great week, and all the best for autumn’s arrival.